What conditions or symptoms do you treat?
While symptoms and conditions (many listed below) are addressed, the focus is to optimize the way your nervous system functions through brain-body communication.
This ‘reorganizes’ the nervous system and creates the opportunity to truly heal rather than just make the symptoms less. (See the “Curing vs Healing” article.) By releasing tension areas in the spine and cueing the nervous system to release defense patterns, symptoms and conditions dissolve and Vital Balance returns.
In over 40 years of practice I have helped thousands of people experience relief or improvement in the following areas:
Physical Pain – Musculoskeletal and neurological conditions:
Injury of the spine: neck pain / back pain / whiplash injury / Sciatica
Radiating arm or leg pain or abnormal sensation
Injury of the limbs: shoulder / elbow / wrist / hip / knee / ankle / feet
Head injury: traumatic brain injury / ear pain / jaw pain, TMJ / tinnitus
Dizziness or vertigo
Strain Injury
Headache of various types
Chronic Fatigue / low energy
Sleep difficulties
Digestive conditions:
Constipation / diarrhea / reflux / heartburn / bloating
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Psychological / Emotional conditions:
Panic Disorder, anxiety, abnormal nervousness
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Unusual stress that limits life expression or relationships
In addition to hands-on work, we will include nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle adjustments in order to maximize your healing process.
What people say…
“I can hike up Lone Pine again! When I first came to see Dr. Lampshire I was experiencing right foot pain. I hadn’t been able to hike for about 2 years. After trying orthotics, rest, and stretches for my foot, I began care. I have made excellent progress and can now hike up Lone Pine without pain. I also have more energy, less stiffness and my entire body feels more flexible.”
~C.O., Teacher
“I have noticed that I feel calmer. I’m less reactive towards my partner. I choose my words more carefully before I respond and that has created a more honest and comfortable relationship.”
“Recently my focus has been off the charts, out of this world! In the previous week I’ve had a clear mind to grasp info & exactly what I’m working on producing mental, emotional, and even physical growth.”
~J.M., Physician
“I’m getting my life back! I went hiking for the first time in 3 years.”
~L.D., Office Manager